Leif Erickson Law Office

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(712) 234-3040
✔ Over 30 Years of Legal Experience
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A Workers' Compensation Law Firm That Puts Clients First

Get the care and funds you need after a workplace injury with the help of Leif Erickson Law Office. Workman’s comp laws are designed to protect employees who suffer workplace injuries. When a rightful claim is denied or contested by an employer, the pain and suffering of the worker can expand to include financial hardship brought on by mounting medical bills and lost wages. Our workers’ compensation law firm will ensure you don’t face this hardship so you can focus on healing.

workers compensation form

We Defend Your Rights

If you’ve been injured on the job, contact a workers’ compensation attorney who will move quickly and efficiently to help ensure you get the medical care you need and the wage compensation you deserve. For over 30 years, Leif Erickson Law Office has been fighting to protect the rights, health, and financial well-being of employees injured in our community. As an experienced workers’ comp lawyer, Leif represents clients with a wide range of workplace injuries.

  • See a doctor you’re happy with. If you’re injured on the job, your employer can choose which doctor you visit, but our workers’ compensation law firm can help you contest that choice if you aren’t satisfied with your treatment.
  • Apply for Social Security disability benefits if you expect to miss more than a year of work. Our workers’ comp lawyer will help determine if you’re eligible and assist with your application so you have the greatest chance of being approved.
  • Have peace of mind with a skilled workers’ compensation attorney by your side. We’ll help you obtain compensation for medical bills and lost wages, taking the financial burden off of your recovery time.
  • Put your faith in our experienced team. We’ve been in practice for over two decades and are familiar with the ins and outs of workman’s comp laws.

Call us today for a free consultation with our workers’ compensation attorney.

(712) 234-3040
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