Leif Erickson Law Office

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(712) 234-3040
✔ Over 30 Years of Legal Experience
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✔ Wide Range of Specialties

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Trusted Personal Injury Lawyer

Experiencing a personal injury can turn your life on its head. One moment, you’re busy working, exercising, and enjoying life. The next, you can’t do any of the things you once could, and you’re not sure where your next paycheck will come from. If you or a loved one has suffered a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence or misconduct, you likely have substantial concerns needing prompt attention. You’ll need a personal injury law firm like Leif Erickson Law Office that moves quickly and efficiently to get you the medical care you need and the monetary compensation you deserve.

broken arm

Here for You no Matter the situation

No matter the cause of your accident, Leif D. Erickson can determine the responsible party and hold them accountable for your injuries. By gathering evidence and crafting a case, our personal injury lawyer can help you win compensation. This compensation can cover your lost work time, help you pay your medical bills, and compensate you for physical and emotional pain and suffering. Whether you need a dog bite attorney or slip and fall lawyer, our team is here for you.

  • Consult our pedestrian accident attorney if you’ve been injured by a vehicle while walking. We’ve successfully handled many cases involving pedestrian accidents in nearly two decades of practice.
  • Get your rightful compensation if you were hurt by a crane, scaffolding, defective machinery, or fallen objects. Our construction accident attorney is experienced in dealing with industrial incidents.
  • Call us if your injury was caused by equipment failure or lack of safety features on a piece of machinery. Our personal injury lawyer will help you build a rock-solid product liability case.
  • Trust our personal injury law firm to deal with your insurance company. We’ll make sure you receive fair treatment and just compensation.

Call us today for a free consultation with our personal injury lawyer.

(712) 234-3040
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